Freelance IT et bonnes pratiques

The Good Practices of Freelance Wage Portage in IT

Freelance wage portage is developing more and more in France, especially in the IT field. In less than ten years, the number of independent consultants carried has almost tripled. If the interest of freelancers for this legal status continues to grow, it is for the multiple advantages it confers on them. A winning combination of entrepreneurship and employment , it offers independence and autonomy. However, before embarking on this path, it is important to fully understand the rights enjoyed by the carried employee . Some good practices are also necessary to develop your activity in wage portage . Here is all there is to know about this tripartite contractual relationship .

The advantages of freelance IT wage portage

The use of wage portage is an interesting solution for becoming an IT freelancer without undergoing the administrative constraints linked to the status of micro-entrepreneur . Its advantages are many .

First of all, to be a ported consultant , you need to choose a trusted PEO company . You sign an employment contract ( fixed-term or permanent contract ) with the latter, which allows you to benefit from all the social advantages linked to the status of employee : unemployment insurance , social security, paid holidays , retirement, company mutual insurance , provident fund , cumulative CPF, etc. You are also subscribed to professional civil liability insurance in the event of a dispute with your client.

At the same time, you continue to work independently . You prospect your client companies , you choose your freelance assignments , you manage your schedule and you set your fees . It is the wage portage company that takes care of all the administrative procedures on your behalf: invoicing of intellectual services, accounting management, social declarations with Urssaf , payment of social charges , taxes and duties. You don’t have to worry about possible unpaid bills. Being relieved of these time-consuming tasks allows you, a focused person , to stay focused on your core business and enhance your expertise .

In addition to these benefits, you also benefit from personalized support and a professional network made up of many consultants in your sector of activity . This will help you grow your freelance business quickly.

Your rights with freelance IT wage portage

Signing a portage contract allows a freelance consultant to enjoy a number of privileges. Indeed, he is entitled to the payment of a monthly salary and to full social security coverage . That’s not all, he also benefits from the possibility of combining several activities.

  • Benefit from a salary paid each month

As an employer, the portage company is required to pay you a net salary at the end of each month , accompanied by a payslip . This represents the consideration for the service you provided on behalf of the client company .

The calculation of this monthly salary depends on several factors. It takes into account in particular the turnover that you have achieved during the month, thanks to one or more missions carried out. This turnover is deducted from employers’ and social charges , as well as the management costs of the portage company. The rate of these carrying costs is specific to each company, but is generally around 10%.

At the end, the remuneration you receive is equal to approximately half of your gross salary , ie the actual amount of your bills. In addition, you can request reimbursement of your professional expenses .

  • Enjoy full social protection

Although you are self- employed , you still benefit from full social security coverage. She understands :

  • Social security: reimbursement of medical care and payment of daily allowances in the event of sick leave;
  • A business mutual
  • Legal protection or civil liability insurance ;
  • unemployment insurance;
  • Pension contributions to the same general scheme as employees;
  • Paid leave calculated in the same way as for traditional employees ;
  • Combine several activities

In addition to your wage portage activity , you can carry out other activities as a traditional employee, an independent consultant or a civil servant. This right allows you to reduce financial risks and to test your micro-enterprise project with complete peace of mind.

Nevertheless, even if you have the right to combine auto-entrepreneur and wage portage or wage and wage portage, certain precautions must be taken. You must ensure that you are sufficiently available to carry out two different activities. You must also be loyal to both your employer and your client so as not to incur sanctions.

Keys to Success as a Ported IT Consultant

IT is a very competitive industry. All successful freelancers who want to be successful are forced to gain visibility and notoriety. For this, they must think about the development and improvement of their services .

To succeed in the prospecting and negotiation phase with clients, the consultant must carry out a market study at the start. He must analyze the competition and the characteristics of client companies . With this in mind, the IT freelancer has several marketing tools available, such as those offered by Google. Once the study is complete, it will be easier for him to put in place his strategy to land a mission .

The computer field is also constantly evolving. New technologies are developing at lightning speed. IT professionals are forced to adapt to them, to develop their professional activity and to train in these innovations. It doesn’t matter if you are a developer , system and network administrator, data scientist, etc., if you are not informed of these developments, it could quickly cause you gaps. Regular monitoring is therefore essential, as well as training with specialized trainers .

Finally, as an entrepreneur , you have to deal with the feeling of isolation that affects the majority of freelancers . But to develop your service offering, you need to build a real network of experts and partners who evolve in your field. They can give you tips on how to improve your activity or find missions . They can even offer you well-defined missions .


Innovative status, freelance wage portage offers independent IT consultants more security and fewer constraints. It allows them to exercise their activity independently while benefiting from the same rights as an employee. By signing a fixed- term or indefinite -term employment contract with the portage company , he receives a monthly salary and accesses full social security coverage: unemployment benefit, retirement, paid leave, professional civil liability, etc.

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